
selffoto 184 hunterwork of django

selffoto 184 hunterwork of django_e0130546_19205542.jpg

selffoto 184 hunterwork of django_e0130546_1921542.jpg

selffoto 184 hunterwork of django_e0130546_19211617.jpg

selffoto 184 hunterwork of django_e0130546_19212755.jpg

selffoto 184 hunterwork of django_e0130546_19213657.jpg

selffoto 184 hunterwork of django_e0130546_19214963.jpg

selffoto 184 hunterwork of django_e0130546_1922142.jpg

moleskin hunterwork jkt charcoal/M,workchino waistcoat/M,
fishermanswork sweater/darknavy 38,frenchwork chino trousers/khaki M,
classique boots/brown x black 26cm,眼鏡reinhardot/newbekkou
classique lady ring/silver,classique nude ring/silver


[02/06 2013]

by bloodandsystem | 2013-02-06 19:22 | selffoto | Trackback | Comments(0)